Scrum Pocket Guide


Scrum is based on empirical process control theory.
Pillars of Empiricism are
  1. Transparency
  2. Inspection
  3. Adaptation

Roles of Scrum
  1. Product Owner
  2. Scrum Master
  3. Development Team

Events of Scrum
  1. Sprint (Max one month)
  2. Sprint Planning (Max 8 hours for a monthly Sprint)
  3. Daily Scrum (Max 15 minutes)
  4. Sprint Review (Max 4 hours for a monthly Sprint)
  5. Sprint Retrospective (Max 3 hours for a monthly Sprint)
Artifacts of Scrum
  1. Product Backlog
  2. Sprint Backlog
  3. Increment
  1. No activities are allowed between Sprints
  2. All the requirements must be documented in Product Backlog
  3. Scrum Master is not a manager
  4. Development Team has no titles, no team leader
  5. Entire Development Team is responsible to deliver the Increment
  6. Every Sprint must produce an increment
  7. Stakeholders must share the requirements directly with the Product Owner
  8. Development Team has the final say on the number of backlog items they can work in a Sprint
  9. Product Owner/Scrum Master cannot force the Development Team
  10. Development Team estimates the effort of Product backlog items
  11. Sprint Review is not a status meeting
  12. All the events are mandatory
  13. Daily Scrum is a development team event.

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